In this chapter of the Car Accident Property Damage: How-to Guide, a Chicago car accident lawyer addresses a common question many individuals face after experiencing a non-injury car accident. Gain valuable insights from Chicago car accident attorney Andrew Kryder, experienced and compassionate founder of The Kryder Law Group, LLC Accident and Injury Lawyers as he addresses a range of issues related to navigating the claims process when you need to file a non-injury claim following your car accident.
What a Chicago Car Accident Lawyer Says about Giving a Recorded Statement
After an accident, it is natural to want to fully cooperate with the insurance adjuster in order to resolve a property damage car accident claim quickly. However, when you give a recorded statement or a written statement to the insurance company without proper guidance, it can affect how much compensation you may receive.
Andy, a personal injury attorney, explains, “Sometimes after an accident, the insurance company might ask [you to give] a recorded statement. I’ve seen it many times where the insurance [claims adjuster] will call and make it sound as if, ‘Well, if you just tell us your version of events, we’ll get that documented and everything will be fine. We can get things going.’ ”
When an Insurance Company Asks You to Provide a Recorded Statement

“I usually feel like it’s a trap.” Andy warns.
“Why is it,” he wonders aloud, “that they so desperately need to hear your version of events? Can’t they just call their own person and ask them how it happened? Of course they can.”
“Can’t they just look at the police report and determine what the officer wrote as the cause of the accident and how it happened? Of course they can.”
“So ask yourself,” Andy continues, “why they want to hear from you so desperately. The answer in my opinion: they’re hoping you say something that will jeopardize your insurance claim or otherwise help them pay you less.”
“So I just don’t see an advantage [providing recorded statements]” to the other driver’s insurance company, he concludes.
Cooperating With Your Own Insurance Adjusters
On the other hand, he continues, “If it’s your own insurance company, that’s a little bit different. Your own insurance company—you want to cooperate with. Your own insurer is a friendlier insurance company, I guess I would say.”
“But if it’s the other person’s insurance company asking for a sworn statement, I would be very reluctant to do so, and I think you should be very cautious before you do so.”