Chicago Work From Home Injury Lawyer

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At The Kryder Law Group, LLC, Accident and Injury Lawyers, we understand the complexities of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation system as it applies to work-from-home workplace injuries. When you have a workers’ compensation claim, or your rightful claim is disputed, each Chicago work from home injury lawyer on our team is prepared to work diligently to recover compensation for you.

When Are Home Office Injuries Valid Workplace Injuries?

According to founding partner, Andrew Kryder, the key question to ask is, “Were you doing something that benefits the employer at the time of your injury?” He explains, “In an office when an admin trips and falls, that’s a job injury. If the same admin is [working at their home office] and trips and falls, it’s a job injury.”

Andy continues with a key distinction, “In the office, it’s a witnessed job injury. At home, it’s unwitnessed.” He explains that the success of a worker’s compensation claim for a home office injury “…may boil down to the credibility [of the injured worker].”

Does the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act Apply to Remote Workers?

Under Illinois law, employees who are injured while working from home may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

The Act doesn’t differentiate between injuries that occur at a traditional workplace or a home office. The key factor is whether the injury occurred while the injured employee was engaged in work-related activities.

However, employers may dispute the claim if they believe the injury was not directly related to the employee’s work. In such cases, legal advice from a workplace injury lawyer can be invaluable.

Are Independent Contractors Eligible for Illinois Workers’ Comp Benefits?

Independent contractors are generally not eligible for workers’ comp benefits in Illinois, as they are not considered employees.

What Types of Workplace Injuries Do Work-from-Home Employees Suffer?

What Types of Injuries Does Illinois Workers' Compensation Cover for Employees Working from Home?

Injuries that occur while working from home can range from minor to severe, and may include back injuries sustained slip and falls, repetitive strain injuries, and even car accidents if the employee is required to drive for work.

What Does Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Say About Claims for Employees Working from Home?

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission has not issued specific guidelines for work-from-home workers comp injuries. However, based on the principle of the Act, employees injured while performing work-related tasks at home may be eligible for compensation. The key determining factor is whether the injury occurred during a work-related activity, regardless of location.

Is an Employer Required to Inspect an Employee’s Home Office?

Under Illinois workers’ compensation laws, there is no clear requirement for employers to inspect home offices. However, to mitigate potential liability, some companies choose to establish safety protocols and provide guidelines to employees for setting up a safe workspace at home.

What Are Illinois Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Benefits an injured worker is entitled to under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act include: medical treatment, wage loss benefits, disability benefits, and death benefits.

Medical expenses cover treatments necessary for the injury. Wage loss benefits provide compensation for lost income during the recovery period. Disability benefits can be temporary or permanent—such as permanent partial disability benefits and others—depending on the severity of the injury, and are designed to compensate for long-term income loss and reduced earning capacity.

What Is a Third Party Lawsuit?

Third party liability claims are separate from workers’ compensation claims. If a negligent third-party, who is NOT the employer, contributed to the accident, they can be sued for damages such as pain and suffering, lost wages, and medical bills.

Workers’ compensation insurance does not cover non-economic damages like pain and suffering, making third party lawsuits beneficial for full compensation when an accident at the workplace is caused by third party negligence.

Steps to Take Following a Work-Related Injury

If you’ve been injured while working from home in Illinois take these steps:

  1. Report it to your employer immediately.
  2. Document the incident, including the time, location, and specifics of the injury.
  3. Seek medical attention, as the medical record will serve as significant evidence. Your employer should then report the injury to their insurance company.
  4. Consult a lawyer for legal advice and representation to ensure your rights are protected.

What Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth?

The value of a workers compensation claim is assessed by workplace injury lawyers who examine various factors, such as the severity of your injury, the impact on your ability to work, amount of medical expenses, and future care needs.

If a negligent third party caused the workplace accident, they also consider non-economic damages like pain, suffering, and emotional distress. This evaluation seeks to recover the maximum compensation you deserve for your work-from-home workplace injury claims.

Call The Kryder Law Group, LLC Accident and Injury Lawyers Today

Don’t let your work-from-home injury go uncompensated. Contact The Kryder Law Group, LLC Accident and Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation and get the justice you deserve.

Chicago Work from Home Injury Lawyer
Don't let your work-from-home injury go uncompensated. Contact The Kryder Law Group, LLC today for a free consultation.
Britt C.

Andrew Kryder went above and beyond to help me out with a case that I brought to him. He was prompt, attentive, and extremely thorough. It was a pleasure to work with him!

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The Kryder Law Group, LLC Accident and Injury Lawyers, 134 North LaSalle St. Suite 1515 Chicago, IL 60602
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(312) 598-1012

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