In this series, we have compiled information from the U.S. News and World Reports as well as the Illinois Department for Public Health (IDPH) about hospitals violations and ratings throughout the Chicagoland area including Oak Park. The ratings they have assigned are derived from a grading system that takes into account various aspects of hospital care. The IDPH also keeps track of complaints and violations against hospitals.
West Suburban Medical Center Overview
Established in 1914, West Suburban Medical Center is a 234-bed for profit hospital in Oak Park. It specializes in both general practice and in specialty surgical care.
West Suburban Medical Center
3 Erie Court
Oak Park, IL 60302

U.S. News & World Report Rankings for West Suburban Medical Center
West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park is a general medical and surgical facility. They are rated average for ten procedures or conditions including colon cancer surgery, heart failure, diabetes, stroke, and more. They are rated below average for care related to heart attacks, hip fractures, hip replacements, and knee replacements.
- National Ranking: unranked
- Illinois Ranking: unranked
- Chicago Ranking: unranked
IDPH Report Card for Hospitals
Hospitals and medical centers in Illinois are ranked by the IDPH based on how well they perform in the Illinois Hospital Report Card and Consumer Guide to Health Care site. This information allows patients and their loved ones to compare the quality of care and treatment at different hospitals. On this site, you can research information about:
- the medical and surgical services provided,
- patient safety information,
- staffing info,
- patient satisfaction ratings, and
- Illinois consumer protection laws.
Illinois Designations
CDC Infection Data and the National Healthcare Safety Network
The following types of infections are reported and tracked in the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) per The Hospital Report Card Act:
- surgical site infections (SSIs)
- central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs)
- Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bloodstream infections
- Clostridium difficile infections
The CDC identified the following infections detected at West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park, IL:
- Three patients suffered a central line associated bloodstream infection in the adult medical/surgical ICU in 2019.
- Nine patients were diagnosed with clostridium difficile infection in 2019.
Illinois Department of Public Health Patient Safety Info
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, the 30-day mortality rate for heart attack patients was 12.1% at West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park, and 16.1% of discharged heart attack patients had to be readmitted within 30 days. 62% of patients would “definitely recommend” the hospital to friends and family.
Medical Malpractice Recoveries Against West Suburban Medical Center
Another way to evaluate the quality of care at a hospital is by looking at how many medical malpractice claims have been brought against them. West Suburban Medical Center in Oak Park has compensated victims of medical malpractice. Records show several notable settlements and verdicts.
- $101 million jury verdict for a baby who suffered brain damage at birth. Although there were clear signs of potential complications in the fetal monitors, no action was taken to prevent injury for six hours.
- $7.75 million for a baby born with brain damage after the mother was administered excess amounts of Pitocin to induce labor. The baby’s fetal monitors showed a drop in her blood oxygen levels, but her doctors and nurses did nothing to stop it.
What to Do If You Suspect Medical Malpractice
If you or a loved one has been injured by the negligence of a doctor or other medical professional, you may be entitled to compensation. The experienced personal injury lawyers at The Kryder Law Group, LLC Accident and Injury Lawyers can help. We have represented many clients in medical malpractice cases and have recovered millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts on their behalf. If any of the examples above seem familiar or you suspect another type of malpractice at West Suburban Medical Center, contact us today for a free consultation. We will review your case and advise you of your legal options.
How to Find Out If Your West Suburban Medical Center Has Been Disciplined
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) has a database that consists of all the licensed doctors in Illinois. You can use this resource to look up your doctor’s licensing information and see if they have been disciplined by the state.
How to Search IDFPR License Info
Search for information by:
- Going to the IDFPR license search
- Select “Medical Board” under the License Type dropdown menu
- Enter your doctor’s first and last name
- Press “Detail” button next to your doctor’s name to see details
Examples of Disciplinary Actions You May Find
If your doctor has had disciplinary action taken against them, it will appear under the Disciplinary Actions section of the search. There are many different types of discipline actions that may appear: a reprimand; probation; suspension; summary or temporary suspension; revocation; refuse to renew; relinquished, surrendered, or permanent inactive; or fines.
More Resources to Research Your Doctor
You can also verify the certification of your doctor or other healthcare providers on The American Board of Medical Specialties website.